Insurance Car How To Think Like A Wealthy Entrepreneur

How to Think Like a Wealthy Entrepreneur

How to Think Like a Wealthy Entrepreneur 

You’re in business because you want to make money, right?

Of course. You need to pay your bills, put food on the table and enjoy some of the finer things in life. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Your business should be profitable enough to take care of all your wants and needs.

But here’s the thing: If you focus solely on your needs and wants, your business is going to sink faster than a ten-pound brick.

You see, a good business person knows that profitable businesses sprout from the desire to help others. If you focus on your customer’s duduk kasus and how you can help him, your business will make more money than you know what to do with.


But some marketers get this backwards. Instead of focusing on their customers’ problems, they focus on their own problems. The business person starts thinking about the lifestyle he wants to achieve. He thinks about how much money he needs to make the mortgage this month. And he starts thinking in terms of “units” and prices.

Then the number crunching starts.

For example, “If 50 people buy my $100 product, I’ll make $5000 this month. But I need closer to $10,000 this month… so I need to find 100 people who’ll buy the product. Or I need to jack the price to $200. Or I need to…” (Well, you get the idea.)

And so the marketer runs off to create a killer promotion.

Except here’s the problem: He’s still crunching those numbers. He’s still thinking about what HE wants. And the prospect who’s reading these promos is starting to get the feeling that the marketer cares more about profits than about solving problems.

You’ve probably experienced this yourself as a customer. You get the sense that the marketer doesn’t even care about it. Maybe you felt this way because of a desperate, pushy email you received. Or perhaps you got this feeling the last time you negotiated a purchase with a slick used car dealer.

Your prospects feel the same way. They want to be treated with respect by marketers. They want marketers who truly care about them. And if they get the feeling that you don’t really care about them, they’ll take their business somewhere else. But you can prevent this and keep more money in your pocket simply by making one simple mindset shift. Namely, instead of thinking about your problems (e.g., your mortgage and other bills), think about how to solve your customers’ problems. When you give people what they want, you naturally get what you want too.

Yes, it is really that simple.

However, that’s not the only mindset shift you need to make in order to grow a profitable business. You also need to find out how to think like a wealthy entrepreneur. You need to start thinking like a project manager and stop trading your time for meager earnings. You need to distance yourself from the toxic people who want to sabotage your success.

Fortunately, it’s not hard. And better yet, you can learn these secrets for free! 

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